Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"You'd like to be you, wouldn't me"?

So doing a new little section this week that I will be doing for awhile or until I run out of peeps to ask. Its kind of kitsch but still pretty interesting.

Our victim this time? The one and only Peter Barbee, aka The Belladonna rider. If you havent got a chance to go see Peter in person I suggest you check it out immediately because he's got some talent coming out his teeth. anyway, I asked Peter some random questions just to give you guys some background to what makes Barbee decide his fate.

1. First CD you ever bought?
Simon & Garfunkels greatest hits
2.Favorite cartoon as a kid
Anything Donald Duck or almost anything disney
3 Last show you saw
i cant remember
4 who is your two favorite djays that play at 12th and Porter right now?
Moogstache or Sonny HAHAHAHAHA
5 what are your immediate plans for your music stuff?
Finish record... Start playing live again... Then sell out...
6 what were you doing before you answered these questions?
Trying to finish my record.
7 if you had to choose between no sex or no music for the rest of your life what would you choose?
no sex... its a healthier connection. haa
8 last movie you watched
Let The Right One In... incredible
9 if you could move to any other city excluding LA or NYC where would you go?
Portland or Austin
10. Did you really invent the shamwow?
Billy Meys and I did together... than we had a child together and
let that guy push it.

and there you go. you know Mr. Barbee a little bit better now. check back and I will let you know when you can go check Peter out at one of his shows. In the meantime check out www.myspace.com/peterbarbee

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

You should know her

I met Natalie last year when she sang back up for majestico at The Rabbit warehouse show. I definitely had heard her name but never had the pleasure of meeting her. this is about to go on a tangent but just stay with me. Madi and I went to Atlanta a couple days ago to pick up an arcade game for her dad. We borrowed a trailer from The Biv guys and took it back to them at the same time that Natalie was rehearsing. OMG!

I heard like 10 seconds of her and was basically blown away by how melodic the songs were. I was basically tapping my toes like instantly. Anyway, needless to say i couldnt wait to go to her show.
It was at The Rutledge last night and she brought it so hard. It was soooo good. Dan Burns plays drums while Keafer was getting biblical on the bass.

Needless to say you need to check out her myspace.com/natalieprass. Look out for her CD release in April and her collaboration concert with Madi, majestico and Mikky Ekko. Here are a couple songs and get ready to be owned.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

last night was a show at Mercy Lounge featuring a couple of my favorites in town; Mean Tambourines and Mikky Ekko. Unfortunately I could not make it to the show due to my weekly djaying gig but we hired a new cameraman, aka The Corn Dog Kid, to go get some footage.

I think this dude has the best voice in Nashville, sorry Billy Gilman. Anyway Mikky Ekko is starting to play more shows in Nashville and you should definitely check his next show which is Feb 16th at The Rutledge. The song below is called "I Love You (I always have) and it shows off his unique vocal style, his boss demeanor and the kind of stripped down vibe. love it love it love it. be impressed and accept this.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Majestico: the best band you dont know of

ok so the next band is muy muy close to home. Majestico consists of frontman Graham Fitzpenn, Brian Stone on guitar, Mitch Jones on keys, Adam Keafer on bass, Jonathan Davis on drums and a squad of ladies Joy Todd, Kyle Arnett, Madi Diaz and Natalie Prass. Majestico owns it pretty hard and along with Space Capone has one of the most entertaining shows around. Graham is my favorite frontman of any band of nashville, not just bc we went to high school together, but because you cant stop watching him. With original music, along with covers of the Ramones and T-Rex, Majestico is a complete show. You need to check it out, there shalt not be any dissapointment. The first video is the ramones cover and second is "Boom Boom". You can get Majestico's record "Boundary Conditions" on iTunes.

Ms. Madi Diaz

so the other night i went to 3rd and Lindsley to see Madi Diaz and Kyle Ryan. Madi is a new friend and I love her to death. Kyle is also amazing and i think he has so many talents. I have seen him play guitar, sing, skateboard and he is practicing to become a marksman with a slingshot. Anyway these 2 come here via Boston and I am loving their music. On a side note, they are also my neighbors and it rules life. Here they are singing a couple songs with a gorgeous background singer, Joy Todd and an even more gorgeous keyboard player Mitch Jones. Check them out at www.madidiaz.com. Here are two videos from the show. The first is an original track and the second is a rad ass cover.

The first one ever

So basically i am gonna be doing this blog about music stuff in nashville amongst my friends. I will be doing shows along with hanging with people while they create their great songs. and some other random stuff, probably like pics from shows and events. should be fun and hopefully i dont slack off